Tackling Pico: picoctf 2019–13 (cryptography)

Nov 20, 2022


The challenge starts with a simple description:

“Cryptography can be easy, do you know what ROT13 is? cvpbPGS{abg_gbb_onq_bs_n_ceboyrz}”

For this challenge, we will use GCHQ’s Cyber Chef tool which can be found here: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/

First: select the correct “recipe” from the tools listed on the left of the screen or search for “ROT13” using the search bar

Second: drag the “ROT13” recipe to the recipe tab in the middle of the screen then add the cipher provided in the question (above) to the “Input” tab on the top right hand area of the screen. The correct answer should be displayed in the output section just underneath.

This challenge was a fun and gentle entry into decrypting ciphers and a good way to learn how to use tools such as CyberChef in doing so



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